Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Roast Potatoes

For roast potatoes you need 2 ingredients;
1, Good, tasty potatoes - I use spuds from the local farm shop, Bradshaws. They grow and sell Wilja and another type of spud that escapes me now, but they're both very nice spuds.
2, Fat - animal fat is best, mostly because it has a high smoke/burn point. Other oils are fine for purpose but obviously there's less flavour with processed oils. If you don't know what a high smoke point is have a look here. I also like to use butter coz it's nice.
Peel the spuds.
Cut them into roast potato size pieces (this is up to you but the smaller you cut them, the less fluffy potato you'll have) and put in a pan with water and put on the heat. 
You'll want to simmer until tender, around 30 mins. 
Put the oven on and put a suitable tray in there with the high smoke point fat in it.
Drain the spuds in a colander and toss them to fluff them up a bit. 
Carefully put them in the hot fat and make sure they get turned in the fat. Take a few slices of butter and put it on top of the potatoes. Put them in the oven at 180c for around 45mins. After 45mins take them out and turn them and stick em back in for 30mins. 
They will then be tastetastically crispy and lovely.

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